Computer Science
Web Technologies Projects
WallStreetRock/FanBank is a digital-music sales outlet that connects independent music talent with fan funding to finance subsequent recording projects. The scope of this project includes the creative design, development and delivery of the public facing website, secure portal and content delivery engine needed to support this upstart business. WSR/FanBank has been in the planning phase for over two years, primarily by Ryan Davis, Kevin Johnson, and Ryan Tabor of the Southwestern Company. The project has grown over time as the idea began to truly take shape into a business plan. The site will focus on artist development as well as the ability for fans to financially support a particular artist, their upcoming recording projects, and their impending success as a music act. The functional web wants and needs have been expressed and will be scoped as thoroughly as possible in this document.
Content management system for Bondware
This project will entail creating a layout system for a new content management system that Bondware will be building upon. We create a template system in which a folder containing files which make up a template could be dropped in to re-skin a website. We used PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, and Smarty in building the system.
DEPTHCHARTZ.COM will be an online roster of athletes from all NCAA-supported high school and college sports. We will help athletes showcase their abilities and access the opportunities they need to move to the next level of their chosen sports. We have create login page, profile page, and athlete home page and profile pages. We also included a search capability.
ABET Assessment database interface for Computer Science Department
This project created a system that will be used by the Computer Science Department at MTSU. The ABET assessment process requires the department to access, analyze, and improve the quality of the program. One of the assessment methods we use is the exit interview conducted during the last semester before students graduate. We created a Web‐based system that helps the department to access and analyze the information that students provide using the exit interview.
AtoL Lab builder
Given the database of the lab problems and questions, we created a secure instructor’s interface for all courses that will dynamically create new labs, remove labs, and edit existing labs. We also create a secure student interface to view available labs for their course only.
This company sends out shipping invoicing reports to customers, and usually uses email to do this. They have some customers with large files (30+ mg) and these will not go through email systems. We created a system with a web interface that you can upload a file to and enter an email address to have a message sent that a file is ready to be picked up. The large files are then stored on the server until they are picked up. Since download occurs via http protocol it bypasses the issues with the company email and large attachments. The email sent would contain a link directing the recipient to the location of the file for download. That would be simple enough – but grows into a project and gets more complex with securing the files, confirming they have been downloaded, managing the files, email notices sent, reporting that files have been picked up, etc.
ABET database interface
We built a web-based system for the Computer Science department at MTSU to help process the ABET assessment data. Created a database that contains a list of questions for ABET assessment. Created an interface for a user (student and/or the instructor) to fill out forms. Created administrative tools for the department.
Oldfort Golf Course
We created a new website for the Oldfort golf course in Murfreesboro, TN. The website include: calendar of event: features to add/edit calendar events Improve the appearance of the site including slide show Add/delete/change pictures or videos
Southern Middle TN Entrepreneur Centers
The best way to describe the sort of things we are looking for is to guide you to some of the other Accelerator sites. These should be helpful in showing some of the features we would like to include. We have a company that will help with the artistic nature of the site but we would love to have this become part of an MTSU project. I’ve attached a sample of our logo.
Calendar Module
A web-based calendar module driven by a database backend is created. The system can let a user track events and display events in a calendar format. Users can enter calendar events and assign them to categories. Users can dynamically select various event categories and display them in one calendar.
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Computer Science Department
Middle Tennessee State University
Phone: (615) 898-2397
Fax: (615) 898-5567
E-Mail: Dr. Medha Sarkar
Office: LRC Room 200
1301 E. Main St., PO Box 48
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0048