Computer Science
Computer Science Connections
What is Computer Science Connections?
Computer Science Connections is an organization devoted to promoting greater connectivity among computer science students and between students and faculty. We aim to support students in a variety of ways, from helping new students get acquainted with the technologies used in the CSCI department, to hosting guest speakers from nearby businesses, to planning social events so that students can hang out and build relationships. CSC offers opportunities to practice coding with friends, learn new technologies from–or teach them to–fellow students, and talk directly with business representatives looking to hire MTSU students and graduates. In addition, CSC is always on the lookout for ways to volunteer with organizations helping to engage youth in STEM fields. We hope you’ll come connect with us!
Didn’t you guys used to be WCS?
Yes, we were. At the end of the Spring 2017 semester, the officers and our faculty sponsor decided to change the name to better match the existing goals and attitude of the group. We want to make it clear that ALL are welcome, regardless of gender, race, religion, or computer science experience level, and that our organization’s focus is helping students of all backgrounds find support, learn, and succeed.
What kinds of things do you do?
CSC partners with students, MTSU staff, and business representatives to offer workshops on up-and-coming or established technologies as well as guidance in course planning, career options, and job applications and interviews. We also host code contests, which are laid-back competitions among students (not just CSC members), where participants solve coding challenges alone or in a team. Each contest consists of multiple challenges, and each contest has challenges for every skill level. We also organize social events for members like Escape Rooms, laser tag, and coffee shop meet-ups; go to CSCI conferences like the Grace Hopper and Tapia Diversity conferences; and host the occasional game day!
When and where do you meet?
We meet Fridays, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m., in Kirksey Old Main room 360. For those who are familiar with KOM, this is the third floor computer lab.
How do I join?
Drop by during one of our meetings! Or you can contact us by email.
Are there membership dues?
Yes, membership for one semester is $5 and membership for a year (paid in the Fall) is $9.
Our Mission
Our mission as CSC is to promote the participation of students from diverse backgrounds in the study of computing technology, and to provide members with opportunities to connect with their peers and excel in the real world.
Our Goals
- Create a rapport among students and between students and faculty in the MTSU Computer Science Department
- Teach and acquire new skills to help students in classes, in the field, and in independent projects
- Volunteer with organizations aiming to increase diversity in computing
- Encourage networking with other students, mentors, and company representatives
- Provide students with opportunities to collaborate on personal projects
If you have any questions or feedback…
Please e-mail or reach out to us on Slack at! Our channel is #csc, and it’s available to join without an invite, so long as you’re logged into Slack with an MTSU email. We hope to hear from you!
Follow Us!
Contact Us
Computer Science Department
Middle Tennessee State University
Phone: (615) 898-2397
Fax: (615) 898-5567
E-Mail: Dr. Medha Sarkar
Office: LRC Room 200
1301 E. Main St., PO Box 48
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0048