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Computer Science

Credit by Special Examination


The test is only given when scheduled (approximately mid-semester). You are not allowed to take the test if you are currently enrolled in the course. If you pass, then you will receive credit for the course with a grade of P (pass) on your transcript. If you fail, nothing is be recorded on your transcript and you cannot retake the special examination for six (6) months, but you can register for the traditional class immediately afterward.

Signing Up

To take the credit by special examination test for CSCI 1150, go to the Student Services & Admissions Center (SSAC), Room 120. Ask for a Credit by Special Examination Form and fill it out. The fee is $20 per credit hour, that is $60 for CSCI 1150. After payment has been made, you will obtain the form that serves as proof of payment; it is also used to report your grade upon completion of the examination. You are required to submit this form to the course coordinator before taking the examination.

Contact Person

Prior to the examination date, you must contact the course coordinator for permission to take the test. The current coordinator is:

Items to Bring With You for the Exam

  1. Completed form from the Admissions Office indicating payment
  2. Pencil
  3. Your picture ID
  4. Scantron test answer sheet B (Form No. 19641)

Follow Us!

Contact Us

Kirksey Old Main
Computer Science Department
Middle Tennessee State University

Phone: (615) 898-2397
Fax: (615) 898-5567
E-Mail: Dr. Medha Sarkar
Office: 306 Kirksey Old Main

1301 E. Main St., PO Box 48
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0048