Which platforms is MTSU Mobile available on?
MTSU Mobile is available on the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.
Can I access my MTMail through MTSU Mobile?
Yes, by clicking on the Mail icon in the Quick Links widget on the Home screen. For information on adding MTMail to your smartphone’s built-in email service, see the MTMail FAQ.
Can I access Pipeline through MTSU Mobile?
The MTSU Mobile Development Team has expressed interest in adding features from Pipeline into MTSU Mobile. However, there are many security issues to take into account when dealing with protected private information, such as grades. The team will continue to work with ITD to add these features in future versions.
Can I check my grades through MTSU Mobile?
Yes! When you log into the schedule feature, you may have noticed the “N/A” field by each class. When a grade is posted, this field will be updated.
Is it possible to save my username and password in the schedule feature?
There have been several requests for this feature, and after discussion we have decided to allow a login time of 30 days. This will be coming soon!
Can I check D2L through MTSU Mobile?
Yes. Tapping the D2L feature in the Quick Links widget on the home screen will load a mobile friendly version of the D2L website within the app.
Can I view bus routes and bus positions on the campus map?
Yes. Click the Bus Icon in the toolbar on the map feature to enable or disable specific bus routes
Will MTSU Mobile be available on platforms other than Android / iPhone?
The team has decided to focus on the two most widely used mobile platforms to host MTSU Mobile. There are no current plans to support other platforms.
Can I join the development team?
The development team has been disbanded
I am interested in programming. Can I view the source code for the app?
No, the app and its source code are property of MTSU and there are no plans to make the source code available to the public.