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Computer Science

University Lab in KOM

Facilities | Hours of Operation | Policies | F.A.Q. | Room Layouts


The Computer Science Department supervises labs located in adjacent rooms on third floor of the Kirksey Old Main Building:  KOM 351, KOM 350, and KOM 360.  Here are the entrances:  KOM 351 and KOM 350 are accessible via the western hall of the KOM and MGB connector.  KOM 360 is accessible through the eastern hall of the KOM and MGB connector.  KOM 351 is open for general student use during certain hours. The labs in 350 and 360 are reserved for a laboratory class use, but available for other students when not in use.

There are nearly 100 computers and 3 printers available to students.

KOM 351 – Open Lab
32 Student Stations1 HP LaserJet printer ( CS351)

KOM 350 – Scheduled Lab
KOM 360 – Scheduled Lab
32 Student Stations1 Instructor Station1 Projector in front1 HP LaserJet printer ( CS350)35 Student Stations1 Instructor Station1 Projector in front2 Side 65 inch flat panel TVs1 HP LaserJet printer ( CS360)

Stations run Microsoft Windows 10 and have Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Visual Studio Community Edition.  Other software can vary based on demands of other courses.

There are 5 main core servers:  2 Core Services servers, and 3 Virtualization Hosts.  

Lab workers are often present in KOM 351 to oversee and monitor equipment needs.  The lab worker is not responsible for helping students with academic assignments.  They are only to assist in accessing the station hardware and software.

Hours of Operation

 Fall And Spring SemestersSummer I (Tentative)Summer II, III & IV (Tentative)
Monday – Thursday9:00 AM to 9:00 PMTo Be DeterminedTo Be Determined

The lab is CLOSED during Finals Week, Fall Break, Spring Break, and University observed holidays.


  1. Avoid eating or drinking at computer stations.
  2. Use the lab equipment for academic purposes only.
  3. Observe University policies: MTSU Policies Section 910 – Information Technology Resources
  4. Abide by the licensing of software on MTSU equipment.
  5. Respect other people in the lab and their work upon lab equipment.
  6. Log off computer stations when not in use.
  7. Maintain an environment that allows for academic pursuit.
  8. Prevent disruptions by being mindful of possible issues you may cause through use of the lab equipment.
  9. Understand that the Computer Science Department or University is NOT responsible for personal belonging within the lab, either attended or unattended.
  10. You will be asked to leave the lab upon violation of lab policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are computers available?

Computers are typically available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Priority may be granted to persons with specific academic need.

Can I install programs of my own on the workstations?


Can I copy programs on the workstations and take them home to use on my own computer?


I want to be a Lab Worker. Where do I sign up?

Students interested in becoming lab workers should contact the Computer Science Lab Manager or Department Chair.

How do I report a problem with lab equipment?

Report any issues to the Computer Science Lab Manager via email, or inform any present Lab Worker.

For further lab questions, see the Computer Lab Manager.

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Contact Us

Kirksey Old Main
Computer Science Department
Middle Tennessee State University

Phone: (615) 898-2397
Fax: (615) 898-5567
E-Mail: Dr. Medha Sarkar
Office: 306 Kirksey Old Main

1301 E. Main St., PO Box 48
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0048